Downloaded the Flash free trial, and decided to use my tablet to mke the comics from now on instead. It's easier, so it further increases the half-assery of the comics, in my opinion. I love it.
And again, if you haven't yet, stop by the Bad Comic Thread and post your own Bad Comics. Though, accodring to someof the mods, we have to step up the quality a bit, or the thread's going to get locked. So ease up on the stick figures, I suppose. And DragonFyre9, stop being so god damn amazing and making the rest of us look bad, you talented prick.
For those of you who had your Bad Comics deleted from the thread, I'm very sorry. Maybe try redrawing them to fit the mod's 'quality' and submit them again. Sorry about that.
I doubt anyone's read this far anyway, but if you have... well I'm sorry that you apparently have nothing better to do.